Alchemical WOW Coagulation Part Seven



Once we engage in unity we find the means to create with our minds, with clarity and purpose.  Mind mastery becomes part of the flow.

Price: $179 USD


The process of spiritual alchemy is one of inner transformation. Change and transformation necessitate the death or destruction of one thing, so that newness can be born.

The purpose of working through this liberating process is to rid your soul of fears, limiting belief or values systems, and ideas of separation and lack of self-acceptance.  Quite simply, Spiritual Alchemy is the art of transformation, inner liberation, and change through destruction, purification, integration, acceptance, alignment, and rebuilding.

There are seven sections to this online training.  It’s recommended to spend at least 3-4 weeks working on each section.


Once we engage in unity we find the means to create with our minds, with clarity and purpose.  Mind mastery becomes part of the flow.

Price: $179 USD